My Deferral Year
Well, the deferral year is a golden time to enjoy my life, think about who I would like to be, what I would like to do and keep myself healthy. But I don't want to be a salty fish all the time. Computer Science is a subject where you can learn the best resources for free. I would like to study them during this period of time.
About Learning
Must Do
- [√] CS61B
- [√] The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- [√] 15-645 Intro to Database Systems
- [√] Grokking the Coding Interview
Try to Do
- [√] MIT 6.006 Algorithms
- [ ] CS189 Intro to ML
- [√] MIT 6.S081 Operating System
Even More
- [ ] 10-725 Convex Optimization
- [ ] 10-708 Probablistic Graphical Model
Update: Finally, I cannot finish all of them. The remaining part will be left as fun in the future : )
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